Thursday, December 5, 2019

Pool day

This week the kaupeka hub went to walthem pool. The weather was alright it was really cloudy a Gray  day but it was kinda muggy and warm with no wind so you wouldn't freeze when you get out and get dried. We hoped into the pool then played water polo for most of the time. After that we all got out for a break to dry off. Then our opportunity came to go onto the hydro slide. We all got our wrist band and ran up the stairs. We went down the slide it was kinda fast but it was short. Then our teacher went down the water slide it was really cool. After that we got dried and headed off back to school while having a really good day swimming.

Have you been to walthem pool?

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My mihi

Hi this week I will be talking to you about my mihi. you write where your from and what is your tribe. You talk about who your siblings are and who your parents are and more.

Tēnā koe (one) / Tēnā korua (two) / Tēnā koutou (lots) katoa.
Greetings to you / to you two / to you all.
ATeroa  ahau. Example - Nō Ōtautahi ahau.  
I am from  NZ
Ko kohuatia nga moutere
tōku maunga (mauka). Example - Ko Aoraki tōku maunga.
My mountain is MT Cook 
Ko Waimak tōku awa. Example - Ko Waitaki tōku awa.
My river is Waimak
My tribe is Na taha
tōku matua
My father is Jade
Ko Erin tōku whaea.
My mother is Erin
My sisters and other sister/s are Holly

(Oku = Plural)

Have you done a mihi before?