Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PBL main artefact.

This week as you know for pbl me and my buddy have been making a futuristic building with a 3d printer. There was some issues with the printer and the building did int turn out the way we wanted it to be. But we are still happy to share it at the kaupeka expo.

Have you made a futuristic building?

Monday, September 23, 2019

PBL sub artefact

This week for pbl I will be showing you my sub artefact. For my sub artefact me and my buddy made about twenty business cards then laminated them the showcase for our pbl.

Have you made a business card?

PBL invite share.

This week for my pbl as you know in my last blog i did an invite about our pbl. Here is my invite to our pbl.

Have you made a cool city?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pbl invite

This term we are doing Pbl and our question is what will the future ask of us. We decided to make a building can can sustain natural disasters or attacks and assaults. If you want to come and see it here is an invite.

What do you think the future will look like in 30 years?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Stanford student course.

This week we went and had to log on to a online student course. and there are six sets of lessons. they talked about what is so cool about maths. So first they talked about what people think about maths. Lot of people thought it was cool. Then they talk about how the brain grows when you learn maths twice a day. Then they did studies about people who want to do easy problems and people who want to do hard problems and found out that the people who did the hard problems had more chance of growing and succeeding.

Do you like math?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pbl planning template

This week me and mt pbl partner made a planning template about what our future building will look like. First we made some pictures and showed the teachers what it will look like. Then we decided that we will make the people in the building safe. So we are going to make it fire proof, water proof, and earthquake proof. And we are trying to make it futuristic but not to he point that people can not use the building due to how futuristic it is.

Do you like buildings?

R.E advertisment

This week our hub made an advertisement about R.E. Before we started the poster we talked about what sacraments there are. Then we made a poster about our school to get the hang of making digital posters. Then we decide what website to make the poster from. I ended up using canva. Its a really cool website where you can make Instagram story, Posters, Notes and many more. Then I choose Reconciliation then started making it. Here is what it turned out to be.

Do you go to Mass?

Science Investigation

This week we made a fizzy and mentos experiment. What we had to do is to get couple of mint packs and some fizzy drinks. I got Coke, Fanta, Diet coke, and Pepsi. Then we line them up and we put about 4 to 5 mentos into the fizzy drink then time how long the explosion lasts for. Here is a science method chart about my experiment Scientific method

Have you done a scientific experiment before?

food bank volunteering

This week me and my friends went to Ferry mead to help people in need. So what we did is walked down isles and grabbed food and put them into boxes. We got food like chips, crackers, weetbix. Then once we fill the box with food we bring the boxes to some lifters and stack the boxes up for other people to put in a truck to serve to the poor.

Have you served to the poor?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Narritive story.

This week I made a writing story about 3 kids that wanted to end pollution and global warming so they made Eco friendly sign saying to help pick up trash but the signs were getting taken away to the government so they find out what happens if you want to find out more Click here

Do you like writing?