Thursday, May 23, 2019

Term 2 tech

This term for tech I am doing food and food is probably my favourite of them all. We made lots of things like wedges burgers salads but now we are moving on to stuff like bread. Last week we made bread sticks and they are so good we made a batch of 16 but we split the dough so we got 8 each.

Do you do tech?


This term we are doing a speech about discrimination. I am doing one about racism and how we can stop it. Our goal is to have the speech at least 3 minutes and 4 the maximum. I aimed for 4 minutes and I timed myself and my speech ended up 4 minutes and 3 seconds. I just got over 4 minutes so that is good.

Have you done a speech?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Term 2 goals

This term we have to make a set of goals and for this term these are my goals

1 Do really well on my speech this term.
2 Help others in need
3 Im going to get task completion done.

What are your goals?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Cross country

Last week we had cross country. We all walked down to Walter park to start cross country. The year 8 boys were first and that was me. So we lined up and 3 2 1 and go we raced away the course was 3 km and it was very hard. In the end I ended up coming up 8th but that was alright.

Have you done cross country

Monday, May 13, 2019

Free choice blog

last weekend it was my sisters birthday. She got money,a fake piano,A chair and lots more. She didn't  have a party but as a family we ended up going to dinner. The place was called tonys teppenyaki it is a really nice place and I had 100 g of ticken 90 grams of beef and 90 grams of venison. My sister had the same so did my mum but my dad had the same but with fish.

When is it your birthday

Friday, May 10, 2019

PBL term two

This term our driving question is discrimination. Its when you are racism sexism elitism and lots more. Lots of these types of discrimination have been going on for lots of years now. what I am doing for my pbl is a tad talk about racism and it will be a really good speech.

What is your pbl driving question